Friday, December 29, 2006

One mention of Jerry Springer....

I'm working at an outpatient office with a doc who is originally from Cincinati, OH. I had mentioned to him yesterday that I was going to see the Dancing with the Stars on tour at the Staples center. This morning he asked me how it was and asked who was there. The subject eventually found its way to Jerry Springer. He proceeded to tell me about how sleezy he was. He used to be the mayor of Cincinati until he was caught with a prostitute. Apparently the mayor of Cincinati is more like a "for looks" kind of thing and he really just does PR for the city and the city manager does everything. According to my doc, Jerry freqented a nearby Kentucky city that had all kinds of strip clubs and the like.

Ironically enough, in the next door office that he shares with a family physician, a fight ensued between the MA secretary(pink girl) and the other MA(blue girl). I guess blue girl attacked pink girl and they started going at it...AT WORK! My doc says the girls never liked each other. At any rate, someone's gonna get fired. Their doc isn't in the office, but my doc is going to call him and let him know of the situation.



Anonymous said...

sweetttt! lol

Curelover said...

Jerry Jerry Jerry !!! or Steve Steve Steve (wasn't he the main security guy)