Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christina = Stupid

Anyone wondering why I have NO comments? My omnipotent(no, not impotent) friend Brad, asked me today, "Why don't any of our comments show up on your blog?" Hmmm maybe cuz I didn't know I had to moderate comments on my blogger. Usually they send me an email saying someone left me a comment. But now you have to go to "Moderate comments" and then approve all the comments. WHO KNEW?! Anyway this blog isn't as interesting as I thought it was going to be. Also, I had something else I wanted to blog about, but have since forgot secondary to my food coma from McDonalds.


Darth said...

I figured you just hated what everyone was leaving as a comment and didn't want to approve them.

Grace said...

u feel loved now...don't u... =)

Seeker said...

yep...thought you hated what we had to say. :P:::::::::::::::::