Friday, June 20, 2003

i've done absolutely nothing today. i finished up the laundry and cooked some food. man why can't i cook well? my stuff always comes out bland. i just don't like putting alot of seasoning b/c sometimes it's too much. oh well. i was supposed to finish up my physical forms but the nurse practicioner wasn't there today so i guess i'll try again on monday. then i was supposed to get my car an oil change, but by the time i was ready i was too lazy. no one is online...lar lar. and i'm bored. i could work out...but i don't feel well. my throat or like my nasopharyngeal area feels all weird. and i keep getting the chills. i feel like sleeping all day. blarg. harry potter tomorrow. hopefully the package comes b4 we leave for SD. woohoo! that would be cool if my mom's bf could drive and i could read all the way there hehe ;)

u know what i hate. i hate when u make plans w/ someone and u set aside time for that person...but then something comes up that's really important and you can't really be mad but you are b/c you were looking forward to seeing that person. i hate that. i dunno what to do now. i don't wanna clean hehe. il'l prolly just finish hanging up the rest of the laundry and then maybe work out, shower then watch pride and prejudice until 9 when katie curick(sp?) interviews j.k. rowling...dude this news anchor called her j.k. geez! get your information straight sir!!

listening to: aaliyah-journey to the past

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