Friday, June 06, 2003

blargh my room is one big pile of crap! i need to organize/clean/throw out so much crap!!! how did i accumulate so much?? and this is the stuff i left behind. there are 4 boxes en route to my house from philly still. and when those come i have to unpack them, organize/clean/throw out the stuff that's in THOSE boxes.

no one wants to go w/ me to this party. but i think i should go. lar lar we'll see.

so i think i made my peace w/ the boy and i can get on w/ my summer and he can get on w/ his. so i feel a lot better(i think...) about my situation here.

listening to: goodbye to you--michelle branch
*and it hurts to want everything and nothing at the same time*

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