Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thanksgiving Pictures
Ok ok they're not REALLY Thanksgiving pictures, but my camera ran out of batteries on Thanksgiving Day so I really just have pictures of my sister and I and how the weekend progressed once I got batteries.

This is how we started out. Nice, pretty and happy. We made our way out to LA for some fun, family and fooood. Unfortunately, there was no turkey, but then again there never is. We are Filipino after all. I am going to see if I can make a turkey dinner next year. Good luck to me!

This is one of the only pics I took of anyone other than my sister and I. It is of my lovely mom and aunt. The night wore on and my sister got a little grumpy and bratty. She has this obsession with paper. You can tell by the frustration on both our faces that a. she wanted paper really badly and b. I did not want to give her any.

The rest of the pictures are of my sister and I being silly at my dad's friends house cuz we had some time to kill.

We're friends again....we can pout....and we can be silly.

Don't look now...we're singing karaoke......

Shhhh we're huntin' wabbit! Yeeaaaah!!!!!

Ok uploading all those pictures took forever and just sucked the fun out of the blog haha. We had lots of fun taking the pictures tho. Can you tell?

1 comment:


thats too cute.. youre not blogging in the other one!