Friday, April 01, 2005

For the past couple of Fridays, my friend Steph and I have been going to Borders in Montclair to study. The first time we went, we were pleasantly surprised to find out that they have live music there from 8-10 every Friday. Well, first we were annoyed because we were studying, but the band turned out to be pretty decent and good study music. They were called Reserved 16. Steph ended up buying a CD since it was only 8 bucks. We still can't figure out who they sound like...probably never will. This week this asian lady...we couldn't figure out her name and didn't bother to ask but she played the piano and guitar; first name was Korrene I think? She was also good. The music was good, but the lyrics were kinda eh to me.

Speaking of non-mainstream random music. My cousin introduced me to this Filipino band called Julie Plug. They sound exactly like Six Pence None the's creepy. But they've got a slightly different sound. A little on the "harder" side...for lack of a better word cuz they're not exactly HARD. It's a nice break from some of the crap that's out there today.

I have been having phases of random tastes in music. The last few months I was into some indie rock stuff. Before that I was into country. I can't remember past that. Now I'm into soft, mellow, Jason Mraz-y music. You know...good study music.

Speaking of studying. I have been studying my ASS off this past week.
Monday: 3 hours on my ECM assignment---such boring, tedious busy work.
Tuesday: studied at the library from 7-1030.
Wednesday: went to school early and studied from 930-11, then studied from 5-7
Thurs: library from 630-10
Friday: school studying from 1-5; Borders studying from 7-10

INSANE!!!! I've never studied this much ever. I have to do this until June haha. Hope I can keep it going.

Random news that may not be important to you but is to me:
1. I scored a 74% on qbank yesterday! (but today i scored 50% haha)
2. there's another girl who's pregnant in my class now(my friend katie is the other one)
3. I downloaded the Sound of Music soundtrack!
4. Lost was awesome on Wed.

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