Saturday, October 04, 2003

One must have time for oneself

So I've been in a funk for the past 3 weeks and HOPING today i have snapped out of it. I've been sick for the past couple of days and have had no motivation since my first anatomy exam. But I feel different. I cleaned my room and organized my school stuff(put away old anatomy, micro, histo stuff from the first exams) and now i am going to take baby steps into getting caught up. I am still sick and my head is all retarded congested but I am GETTING IN GEAR! For the past 3 weeks I've been lazy and THINKING about all the stuff I had to do and not really doing anything. In being lazy I would delude myself into thinking that it was "time i needed for myself" when it was really time spent wasted on not doing anything at all b/c i didn't want to study. Time for myself should be reading a book, organizing my life, cleaning my place so i feel good about it, cooking something so i can eat actual food, talking on the phone with loved ones...etc....NOT vegging out in front of the tv or in front of my computer. So here I am trying to get my head in gear...let's hope this lasts!!

listening to: mmm i THINK it's led zepplin on the classic rock station.....kyle and i watched "school of rock" and it was really funny, but also got me wanting to listen to some good ass rock! which is prolly better than all the crap that's coming out these days. :)

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