Sunday, October 26, 2003

my mom made me go to church today...and i am really thankful to her for it. i didn't wanna go to church b/c i had to study for my anatomy test. but for some reason, church has really been helping me figure out my life and just realizing what's important you know? as well as, helping me understand what's going on within me. so today the deacon preached the gospel and he was talking about the story between Jesus and the blind man. And when Jesus called the blind man jumped up, dropping all his valuables and ran to Jesus. Jesus asked, "What is it you want?" and the blind man said, "I want to see."...Isn't that powerful? In order for one to "see" one must disregard all the trivial things in life and realize what's important. anyway i really liked it. back to studying!

listening to: some random rock song on i should change the station...

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