Wednesday, March 20, 2002

It's 3am and I just got back from the library. I have a Physio exam tomorrow. I have never worked this hard in my undergrad, nor have I cared so much that I would bust my ass like this. I am like borderline B+/A- and I soooooo want an A-. I can only miss 2 to keep an A- and get a 90%. If I'm absolutely extremely lucky I will miss 1 out of 23 questions. I have about 3 hours tomorrow before the test to study if I get up at 10...but I think I'll get up at 11. It's weird to see myself care so much about an A. In undergrad if I was borderline then I'd study just enough to get by. But's like I study...not just memorize but study and try to understand. Bizzarre I tell yah....Anyway, wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 12, 2002

what up everyone? I finished with my 2 quizzes. Haha I totally slacked off and came out ok. I was going for a B on both of them..and pretty much got it. I would make my mom proud hee hee. Right now I'm currently uploading to stupid greedy ass geocities who won't let me upload using FTP and it took a long time and it's just ghetto--isn't that just a paradox.

today was cool. i went to dinner with my friends nelly and melissa to this coal oven pizza place...or wood oven--I don't remember. Then we took food to our friend Mundeep and we all chilled for a couple hours just talking and stuff. it was great. I like my friend Mundeep a lot. I really admire her because she is very outspoken but not in a bad way. She says what's on her mind and isn't afraid to be honest. I wish I were more like that. I think I think too much before I speak...which for me is a just a way to sheild myself from saying something that may or may not be stupid. I wish I were a lot of things but I don't necessarily work on it so that I can reach that goal. It's just in my nature I suppose---even that statement in itself sounds like a cop-out so I won't have to try...but really I think this is just how I am and I shouldn't try to change. Granted I should try and improve my weaknesses but to expect myself to change completely would be stupid.

I'm going home in 10 days. I'm excited but anxious. I hope me and Kyle are fine when I get back. Like I hope it doesn't feel different or something. I don't think it will cuz whenever we're together things just seem to click and we have a great time. We're gonna go watch Disney on Ice Beauty and the Beast with my family on Saturday gay but it should be fun and cool! He's supposed to take me to go eat Mexican food too--sooo can't wait cuz like I said before...there's no Mexican food here in Philly that I can walk to!

a thing to ponder...."preventive" or "preventative"? hehehe.

Sunday, March 10, 2002

OK. Why can't I concentrate on studying for this damn test? I have 2 quizzes on Tuesday on Physio and Microanatomy. But what did I do today? I woke up at 1. Chatted online and did random stuff like talk on the phone, get tix for my mom to Disney On Ice(which I will write about in a minute), cooked dinner/lunch which I ate at like 5, took a shower and didn't start studying until like 630. Now that I have started studying I don't feel like it's effective. I feel like I'm not retaining anything. I should have gone to class hee hee. I gotta watch this one lecture cuz it's confusing. My arrogant ass thought I could just read the lecture and I'll be fine. Little do know....LITERALLY! Scared of failing, but not enough to care at this point. HAHAHA. *shrugs*

Anyway, about the Ticketmaster representative on the phone. Can we say DUMBASS! I waited like 5 min just to reach a customer rep. Then the stupid rep that I do get asks what event, venue. And I tell her. Then she's like so what city are you in--thinking it's like chit chat or something...I say Fontana(which is the billing address for my credit card right?). Then she puts me on hold cuz she can't find it. Comes back...asks me the info again and I make it clear that the even is in ANAHEIM, which I spell out for her. It's DISNEY ON ICE at the ANAHEIM POND I said very clearly. She puts me on hold again! Ten seconds my ass! My counter on my cell phone said I had been on the phone for 25 min and 40 sec! So I hung up. HOW CAN YOU NOT FIND THE DAMN EVENT WOMAN! I should have stayed on just to yell at her. If I--a lowly average person, can find the event AND venue online WHY no earth can't YOU a "well trained professional" find it?!!! I mean where do they get these people? I ended up calling back later and getting a perfectly fine rep who found my event in like TEN hard was that? *shakes head*

I started using my friend's webcam on Yahoo IM. Or as I call it "YM." It's cool. My friends and family in CA can see me...even my cousin in Sweden can see me! I want my own that's better and has zoom and other stuff..but since I don't really NEED it I'm not gonna buy one. I'll just mooch this one off my friend until he asks for it back. hee hee. Too bad my mom is the epitome of computer illiterateness...she would have been able to see me. Kyle's mom got to see me today and thought it was cool and my aunt and uncle from SD saw me too. Hehe. Yet another obsession. I gotta update my website and put my snow pics on there. Soon soon...after this quiz or something. Sigh back to studying I guess. BLAH!

Saturday, March 09, 2002

...13 days and counting til I go back to CA!
STUPID GEOCITIES! Now I have to find another free server. I don't understand why they're taking away the FTP upload feature. It's so much easier geez!

I just got back from bowling with some friends here in Philly. It was fun. I bowled a 128 first game, 96(BLAH!) 2nd game and a 117(eh) the 3rd game. I got to play a free game because I had given the guy 21 bucks on accident when I was supposed to give him 16--this was for 2 people. And when we told him I paid 21 I guess he thought I had paid only for one person so he gave me like 12 bucks back or something. So that was real cool. Then my friend Wylie bought me dinner cuz I spotted him for bowling. Everything was fun up until my friend Wai started doing math at Friendly's--what a dork.

It's weird, everything is different on the East coast. Here, I guess when they all go out they go to Friendly's, which is this ice cream/diner place. Back in the west we all go out to Denny's. They don't have Carl's Jr., In n Out, Jack in the Box, MEXICAN FOOD! or any Filipino restaurants here!!!! :o( Their Albertson grocery stores are called Acme here. They call sprinkles "jimmies" is that? It's just different! hehe.

Kyle and I are doing a little better today. I think we are fine but we just get scared especially when we both are bored and start thinking. It's worse when he starts thinking cuz he gets me thinking. At least when I start thinking and get all sad, he tells me everything is going to be alright and reassures me. Maybe I need to do that when he's doubting stuff. Perhaps I need to be stronger sometimes. Ok time to go night night!

Friday, March 08, 2002

Well, I finally overcame my laziness AND have a reason to write in this thing. This summer I moved to Philadelphia to go do a Post-bacc/Graduate program at MCP Hahnemann. At that time my relationship with my ex-boyfriend Kyle blossomed and we got together in October. He would come to visit me and I'd go home. We saw each other at least every month. I don't think we were apart for more than 2 months. This time it's 3 months. I last saw him in January and I'm returning to CA for spring break on March 22. I love him to death and we've been through so much. It's going on 5 years since I fist met him and I never stopped loving him. You're waiting for the "but" right? So this period of time apart is starting to take it's toll on our relationship. It feels like we're getting further and further apart from each other and we don't even know why. My friends say that it is to be expected and as long as there's nothing fundamentally wrong with the relationship then everything should be fine. But we're not fine. We both hurt and are unhappy at how the situation is affecting our relationship. So IS there something wrong or is this a normal occurrence in a long distance relationships? I'm so confused right now. I am just trying to get by until I go home...but he brought up a very good point. What happens next year? I have to stay here for another year. Then what happens in the following years if/when he goes to law school and I get into medical school? I know we should focus on what's happening right now but what happens then if we're across the country and living totally separate lives which is similar to what we do now? We can't afford to visit each other all the time. The hopeless romantic in me can't help but think...we're meant for each other and we can work it out, we'll get through it. But the practical side of me is asking...well what if it doesn't?

These are the thoughts that are going through my head. I don't know who else to talk to, so if anyone can give me some insight on the plight of the couple in the long distance relationship please email me at I'm desparate. I know I'm probably overreacting and I should see what happens when I get home, but I'm a girl and we can't help but overanalyze and obsess over things.

Monday, March 04, 2002

Hi everyone! Instead of posting all this crap on my home page and having to update it over and over and over again...I'm using this. You can make one yourself and you don't even need a webpage. Just somewhere you can vent and people will read it randomly on the blogger site or something. If you do have a blogger and want me to link it on my webpage, email me at I don't know how often I'll update this but I'm usually pretty bored. I'll try to post interesting stuff, but if it's not interesting to you well tough shit haha this is my life I never said it wasn't boring. ;) Much love to you all!