Sunday, August 10, 2003

Well yesterday was my white coat ceremony which marks the beginning of my medical career and the end of my social life as we know it! haha. Nah it won't be but I will be remarkably busy. I'm scared that I won't be able to balance my personal and academic life but since I do have concerns about that already--even before I start--then maybe I will be concious of it and succeed in doing so.

I don't really have much to say....what have I been up to. OH i watched CSUSB's production of "Into the Woods". Considering it was a college play putting on a broadway play....I really really enjoyed it. The music was cool, the actors were great overall. Everyone except for maybe a couple of people could sing very well. I also watched "A Midsummer Night's Dream" there the next day, but I didn't enjoy it as much as ITW. My friend was in it and played Demetrius. He did a really good job. What killed the play for me was the girl who played puck mostly, the guy who played lisander(sp?) and a couple other ppl in the company(not b/c they couldn't act but b/c I really couldn't understand them; no offense to them b/c they were deaf but I just couldn't understand them on top of the shakespearean language). But I commend the casts of both b/c I know I sure as hell couldn't get up there and pretend I'm someone else and do a good job. :D

listening to: only you-112 f/ Biggie

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