Sunday, July 22, 2007

Bathroom Makeover
The other weekend my cousin Novette came to visit me. For some reason she's a catalyst for me to do things I've wanted to do but have been too lazy. So, we made our way to Home Depot and Target to get things for my bathroom. I wanted a light colored motif since my bathroom is tiny. I decided on light green since it matches with the rest of my house.

I know, blogging about one's bathroom is kind of weird, but the reason I blog was because I was so happy with the outcome. I got everything for a good price and for the things I was lacking, I discovered a way to put my own little personal touch with things I had around the house.

The shower curtains, rugs, toothbrush holder, soap dish, cup and towels were all bought at Target. I replaced the toilet seat cover, which used to be the soft cover, with a hard cover from Home Depot

What I was missing was a picture to put above the towel rack, and something to accent my display towels. I searched my house for something green to tie around the towels. My mom has a drawerful of random strips of cloth from pants she's taken in or whatever. I found two green pieces of cloth that used to be the bottom of pants. I twisted them and fastened them with a safety pin on the towels. At this point I was already proud of myself. As I was cleaning out my bathroom, I found these wires with beads on them. I wrapped those around the green cloth and voila, cute towel holder thingies.

The next dilemma was what to put above the towel rack. I found an old painting that had the same color theme as my bathroom, but it looked a little antiquated. As I was cleaning out my sister's room, I came upon drawings that my mom, my sister and I had made at California Disney. I had framed them a while ago in a black frame, and hadn't found a place to put them yet. To my delight, it fit perfectly in my bathroom. I really like the personal touch it adds to the whole place. Plus everytime I look at Matess' drawing it makes me smile.(Far right)

1 comment:

Curelover said...

Cool about the bathroom ... green is the best color. Isn't Target just the best.