Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hey all,

I just recently fell in love with this song. It's been out for a while in the Philippines, and continues to be number 1 there. I just wanted to share it with you guys and let you know that I'm there for you. Attached is the English translation of the song(Thanks Dad!) Enjoy

Love you guys!


Sometimes you feel a heavy load
so hard to bear, you'd say "I can't take it anymore"

Just look at the sky
a silver lining you might find
or, you can count on me (or, you can call me ?)
I'll be here, anytime

Hold my hand… (hand in hand ?)
I will always be at your side
In a world of uncertainty,
hold my hand…
I won't let go
in an empty world

sometimes you feel
the world is crumbling under your feet
and the wave of despair overwhelms you

Just look at the sky
a silver lining you might find
or, you can count on me
I'll be here, anytime

[repeat chorus]

Don't ever feel you're alone
always remember you have me
I'm here for you, oh, I'm her for you

[repeat chorus]

In an empty world…

Hand in hand…

In an empty world…..

Monday, February 19, 2007

CABLE....FINALLY!! The last time I had cable was for 4 months in 2003 when I was living in Philadelphia. My mom has been a subscriber to The Filipino Channel for almost 2 years now, which is through Direct TV. They require you to have at least the basic channel plan(9.99) to add TFC. I decided that when I start residency I would get REAL cable and also get a DV-R to record all the shows I want to watch. I mentioned this during dinner last night. Her boyfriend, who also subscribes said that for international subscribers it's only 20 bucks more to add regular cable. I thought it would be more so I figured, why not get cable now. While I was at work, he called and set up the cable for us. When I got home I was pleasantly surprised to find that we had MTV, VH1, E!, the Food Network, and many more! The only 2 channels I want that are missing are FX and Bravo. I'll have to reassess when I start residency as to what channels I can get for what price. At that time I will also figure out my DV-R situation. Happy President's Day indeed!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

My Playlist

Oh how exciting! I saw this on my friend's blog and thought it was the coolest thing ever. Finetune allows you to make playlists or listen to other people's playlists. You can add up to 45 songs and embed it into your myspace or blogger. FREAKING awesome! Plus if you want to sample an artist or similar artists, then you can just listen to it on the website as well. :) enjoy people! I know all the songs are pretty random, but I'm a random kind of person.

If you want to forward to the next song just move the cursor to the far left of the icon and click!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Love Day

This year I was ready to just live through what everyone calls "Valentine's Day" and treat it just like any other Wednesday. It didn't even hit me until last night that it was coming really. I didn't send out any cards(I never do) and I didn't get anyone gifts(usually for my mom, and in years passed the sig. other). I was going to completely deny and avoid the day that makes all single people feel like crap.

This morning however, I was pleasantly surprised by my friend Melissa who had brought me a little bag of goodies and a Valentine. When I got home I had received an e-card Valentine from her as well. She reminded me that I was loved and that Valentine's Day isn't just for couples. It's for the people you care about and letting them know you love them. In keeping with the pleasant surprises, I received a forward from my uncle(just one of many he usually sends along) and I decided to open it. It was a Snoopy powerpoint. Short and simple with the "Cheers" theme song playing in the background. It made me feel all warm and mushy inside so I sent it to all my loved ones hoping it would make them feel the same way.

So I'm changing my perception of Valentine's Day and welcoming all the love. It's turned out to be a pretty good day. I got off work at 1130. I had an awesome lunch with my mom and sister to Market Broiler, where they gave us 2 extra halves of snow crab to compensate for the "long wait"(5 min or so more than usual for our food)!!! Now, I'm going to spend some quality time with my sister, doing nails and vegging out to Charmed DVDs.

Hope all of you had a lovely day!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

It's about a month late, but I'm finally done. I never did find my journal. I had to Google or Wikipedia certain sights we saw throughout Europe. I wouldn't say the picture book is perfect, but it's done and I'm happy. At least I have some of the memories there, where I can look at them and read about them, instead of sitting in my computer, on some disk or sitting in a box somewhere. I highly recommend doing this. It's takes a while but for me, anyways, it's much less frustrating and messy than doing an actual scrapbook.
****I highly recommend writing in a journal when you go on trips like that. It helps to remember what the hell pictures you took. Also, I highly recommend remembering where you put said journal after your trip is over and making a photobook less than a year after your trip.
In related news....
I have another project that I started. This one is mandatory since it will be showing at my graduation dinner. I'm making a slideshow of all four years of medical school. I KNOW this will be a pain in the ass, but I'm prepared to conquer the challenge!!! I have the right software, most of the pictures, a plan in my head. I'm just waiting for that DVD burner and crossing my fingers that my computer can handle all the work!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

A day to be thankful for...

I woke up today dreading work. My day didn't really start until 10am, which was good, but I knew it would be a long day. The last two weeks have been draining; long hours, patient's health stagnant/unimproved/worsened. Today the first patient I saw was a little old lady who had been on a health rollercoaster; finally getting over one infection and then having to deal with another. She had been depressed over the last week because her status hadn't been improving, she was having some nausea and vomitting and I was scared she would deteriorate over the weekend. I walked into her room to find her sitting up. Her face LIT UP when she saw me. She had this HUGE smile on her face and just looked 100% better; no nausea, no vomiting, tolerating clear liquids and on her way out to be transfered to a long term care facility and out OUT OF THE UNIT(ICU-intensive care unit). It was all I could do to keep from crying. She asked if I was going to see her at the other facility and I told her that my doctor didn't go to that hospital. I told her that she was the highlight of my day and that I was glad that I saw her first. I told her that if I don't see her tomorrow I'd be happy because I know she'd be in a good place, but I'd be sad because I wouldn't see her anymore. It just felt so good.

I know this all sounds sappy but seriously, those moments I spent in the room with her are the moments that remind me why I'm in this profession. It keeps me going after a long day, knowing I have to get up early the next morning.

Plus I got some good news today and I was also able to see my patients, talk to their family and take my time while doing so.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

I feel like I've been neglecting this site so I'm forcing myself to blog about random thoughts.

1. I need to watch the movies for Oscars, but I have no time because I just waste my time all day if I'm not doing something that is related to "work."
2. I don't want to go into work tomorrow. I hope my doctor doesn't show up so I can go home early AND not have to look up anything.
3. I'm wondering if I will get any of the things in my post two blogs down done. Well I have to get at least one of them done.
4. I am so freakin lazy right now. Senioritis came early and is getting progressively worse as match day approaches.
5. I'm sad some of my friends are leaving soon to go to residency. We'll all be scattered. :(
6. I'm hungry but it's past my 8pm no eating time. I might just sleep lol.
7. Looking forward to new opportunities.....