Monday, August 08, 2005

so i decided to blog a lil blurb of random thoughts

my rotation is going well. it's a lot of busy work. not really learning alot about medicine per se but i'm learning about the runnings of a hospital and how much work it is to manage patients. hopefully i'm getting better at it rather than just staying where i am.

peter jennings died, sad huh? so sudden.

i feel busy, i did a lot today. worked straight from 9-330 no breaks no lunch. went and got dinner for my cousins...came home and ate...and i've been on the computer for a few hours running errands and what not. now it's time for a shower so i don't have to take one tomorrow. i'm gonna try to go in at 8 tomorrow b/c we have 2 lectures....and we start rounding at 1230...but have to be done w/ patients at 11 cuz our lecture starts at 11.

i'm actually going to starbucks to study for a couple of hours cuz i want to. how crazy is that. lol

1 comment:

Hedwig said...

um yeah i never did go and study at starbucks....