Thursday, June 03, 2004

the time is upon us again that we are to be blessed by the next installment of the harry potter movies. i'm really excited about this one because it is the best book out of the series. i'm also worried because i've been hyping it up in my head so much that maybe i will be disappointed and thats' why i'm TRYing to stay grounded.

i signed up for "hello" which allows me to post pictures on my blogsite for free. :) so be on the lookout for pictures.

listening to: thinking bout my ex-janet jackson

random thoughts
1. why is brad pitt so hot even tho he's 40?
2. why does emma watson(hermione) have a crush on brad pitt...a 40 year old man who's probably old enough to be her FATHER!
3. why does money suck so much when you don't have it?
4. what's up with all these sister powerhouses (ashley/jessica simpson, halley(is that her name?) and hilary duff)...are they all just trying to be like the's seriously freaky b/c they all sound the same.
5. gee i hope the olsens don't start singing....that would make them 10 times the nightmare they are now!

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