Thursday, January 22, 2004

the past week i've felt unmotivated and BLAH! we have two tests coming up next week. one is for anatomy, the other is our first system exam for dermatology. i think it's because it's our first exam in a long time and i just really don't feel like studying. we have less class time which, i think, makes me even lazier. i have more time to goof off and thus i goof off even more. it's such a sad cycle i have. and i'm always whining. what's up with that? i wonder if i will ever grow out of that.

so today i planned to watch must see tv until 11pm...which is about right now. but 60% of it was reruns. so since i hadn't planned on studying i didn't. which is really sucky and sad but i wanted to relax. nevertheless, despite my slackerness i think i will do ok on the exams. it would be great if i was super motivated and could really just ace everything. but i like having a life. i like relaxing. what i DON'T like is the guilt that comes with it. it's a stressful relaxation despite all my efforts to "relax." I have been making time to work out, and I don't really feel guilt with that. So with the hope of being a good student for 2 hours, I am planning on going to Starbucks tomorrow morning and studying until class at 11. lets hope that happens. i have to leave here by 815 so i can get to starbucks by til 1030 and go to class. pray for me.....

listening to : no me ames-j/lo and m/anth haha

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