Wednesday, December 24, 2003

so i took out my chatterbox...well more like they took it away from me b/c no one was posting anything. what a sad sad site haha. sorry i don't blog more. i get busy and lazy all the time.


so I'm finally done w/ all my shopping thank God. And all I've been doing for the last day is farting around. it's great cuz there's no guilt. i don't have ot worry about if i have to study or whatever. just good old farting around! i dunno what kyle got me. i'm very curious and i find out tomorrow!!! i'll let you all know...yeah the 2 ppl that read this site what i got. haha. anyway i'm hungry and i have to run at least one errand today. hasta!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Not trying to push religion on anyone, or not trying to offend anyone...just thought i'd share. Have you guys heard of the Mel Gibson production about Jesus Christ's life? You can watch the preview on the second link...but i think u can watch on the first one too. Anyway, lemme know what you think of it. Supposedly it's ALL in Latin and/or Aramaic...with SUPPOSEDLY no subtitles. So all the images and score basically carry the movie. And i suppose if you're of the Christian denomination then you can probably infer what the character's are saying. I thought it was interesting though. Mel Gibson has an intro on it...and he addresses the Harvest Christians. What are Harvest Christians? I've seen the stickers etc...but never knew what they were about. So yeah....edumacate me if you can. :)

The Passion Official Site
The Passion Unofficial Site watch the 4 minute one.

p.s. i was just reading the unofficial site...the guy that wrote it is kind of dumb haha so don't take him all that seriously.

Friday, December 05, 2003

love actually....good stuff
wooh! i'm proud of myself! i studied at starbucks for 4 hours!! and i finished the carbohydrate packet for biochem!! 2 more packets to go. i plan to do fatty acid tomoorrow and finish up with amino acids on sunday! yay! cross your fingers. i wanna do REALLY well on this exam. but we'll see. well, i just wanted to report my accomplishments!! :)
listening to: "Under the Table and Dreaming"-by DMB---THE BEST DMB ALBUM AND BEST ALBUM EVER!

Monday, December 01, 2003

haha what a pathetic blogsite i have...well, i'm busy or lazy.

i had my last anatomy exam of the semester today....wooh! yeah i wasn't as prepared as i should be but whatever that's what "they" get for giving us a test after thanksgiving break. WOOHOO just found out we get free lunch tomorrow...PIZZA! yay!

so my new thing right now...i'm trying to work out at least 3 times a week. i have it SCHEDULEd in so i will stick to it. at least that is what the red head suggested. so here i go...pray that i stick to it and don't get lazy! i got a new sports bra...partly for the workout, but also for OMM---OH which btw i did really well on so I'm happy about that. right now i'm just relaxing..i have to organize my stuff and clean my room, but i think i will leave that for tomorrow. i will start studying biochem i will have relax time this i can go to the red head's for dinner on sunday and spend time w/ my family too.

3 more weeks til break...which means 3 more weeks for Christmas shopping. i think i've figured out what i'm gonna get the redhead for Christmas. I know what I'm getting my mom's just my cashflow is deteriorating. arg...i think i only have 300 bucks i might have to borrow some money from mom via the credit card.

Wow this is some serious rambling. I haven't rambled like this in a while...anyway, so i think i'm rambling b/c i miss the red head and wish he was here with me. man i wanna live with him so bad i miss him at nights and he misses me in the's no good. but that won't happen until like 4-6 years from now. Neither of us want to live w/ each other unless we're married. ohhhh well.

listening to....absolutely nothing!!! :)