Saturday, November 01, 2003

happy halloween + 1 day. i went to my school's halloween party and can i tell you....stick a bunch of med/health professions students who've been studying non-stop for 2 and a half months into a room, mix in some alcohol and some crazy costumes and you've got yourself a partay. it was a lot of fun. the red head's friends my friends so...i think we were like 20 deep. we went to my friend sheila's place to pre-party and i discovered a new drink. vanilla stoli and ginger ale!! so good and i go messed up! so then we went to a party at this gay bar but it wasn't a gay bar that night. i had a shot of surfer's on acid...and then danced and mingled. it was fun fun fun! just what i, and i think everyone there needed. it was a great night for the most part. and i'll just leave it at that.

listening to: KOST 103.5 i think....oh whoops it's KBIG 104.3

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