Thursday, November 23, 2006


I WAS going to blog about what I'm thankful for but then I got really annoyed at some headlines about OJ. It wasn't just today; it's been slowly building up this week and now it's just ridiculous. "Why OJ's book got cancelled" and "Simpson: I deserve criticism for the book" DUH!

Why this book even got picked up is beyond me and why Fox even CONSIDERED people would be interested in watching an exclusive interview is beyond me. Did they ever consider that they got the EXCLUSIVE because no other station was stupid enough to think this would be a good idea. "If I did it"; give me a break! Do people have absolutely no tact and morals these days that they would disregard two families who have gone through enough heartache. Did someone in the board room say, "Hey, it's been 12 years, they should be over it by now."? It's really the last thing I want to read about on Thanksgiving. I can't believe that book cracked the top 20 on Amazon. For shame!

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