Wednesday, March 20, 2002

It's 3am and I just got back from the library. I have a Physio exam tomorrow. I have never worked this hard in my undergrad, nor have I cared so much that I would bust my ass like this. I am like borderline B+/A- and I soooooo want an A-. I can only miss 2 to keep an A- and get a 90%. If I'm absolutely extremely lucky I will miss 1 out of 23 questions. I have about 3 hours tomorrow before the test to study if I get up at 10...but I think I'll get up at 11. It's weird to see myself care so much about an A. In undergrad if I was borderline then I'd study just enough to get by. But's like I study...not just memorize but study and try to understand. Bizzarre I tell yah....Anyway, wish me luck!

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