Sunday, July 22, 2007

First Paycheck

This happened about a week ago, but I only just uploaded pictures. So I got my first paycheck last Friday and it felt pretty freakin' good to know that I'm getting paid for my efforts. :)

I was on call for the third time this weekend(Saturday-Sunday.) I was definitely more relaxed and sort of knew what I was doing. Last night while we were seeing patients I realized how much I love my job. It's the adjusting to new environments I hate. Maybe it's not being able to control my surroundings, but I get all anxious and panicky.

Yesterday, though, I had fun. It's nice knowing your patients as well as knowing that you're somewhat helping them. I wish I could put it more eloquently, but that's all you're going to get out of me. My call was pretty slow with only two admissions and I actually got to sleep.

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