Saturday, October 09, 2004

i got addicted to ANOTHER show...possibly 2 shows(but i doubt it). I watched the end of Kevin Hill and it was cute, but i doubt i'll watch it. then i watched the encore presentation of the pilot for Desparate Housewives. it was really good. it's just quirky and you kind of just laugh at their lives; but at the same time it's sad cuz none of them are happy. OH and there are 2 pieces of eye candy in there...the lawn boy and the neighbor guy. yum. there's also a mystery tied into the whole story. it starts out with one of their friends killing herself...and the dead friend narrates the show. so i think as the season goes, they are gonna try to piece together why she killed herself. there's something in their backyard, in the pool. the day that the lady killed herself she got a letter saying "i kno what you did. i think it's horrible. i'm gonna tell." and it's interesting that 2 of the actresses who played characters in everwood(as the main dr.'s dead wife--who by the way is the dead friend in this show, which is weird and the main dr's love interest who is HIV+) are in this show. and the writing style is similar(everwood used to have a narration for each show too) and it doesn't take itself too seriously. :)

the BAD thing about that is it's on sundays---before my tests!!! and i also watch american dreams now too. i'll just have to tape them.

so that's my life right now cuz i hate school and so i escape into my boob tube.

1 comment:


Desperate Housewives is so funny!